“COMBOBULATED” is the newest release of “Intakt Records”. Album was recorded by “Tom Rainey Trio” – it’s Tom Rainey (drums) Mary Halvorson (guitar) and Ingrid Laubrock (saxophones). These three famous, innovative and impressive jazz masters are the central figures of American and international avant-garde jazz scene. They already have their own and fresh sound – it’s based on the newest tendencies, sound experiments, luminous expressions and inventive musical decisions. Unique sound, expressive, moving and wild playing, tremendous playing manner and the research of new, original, evocative or outrageous ways of playing makes an effort to impressive free improvisations. The musicians are willing to create different sound – they managed to create new, creative, bright and marvelous compositions, filled with spontaneous solos, incredible passages and colorful surprises. The newest tendencies and methods of improvising are combined together with traditions and roots of avant-garde jazz. Very well-known methods created by Ornette Coleman, Albert Ayler or other avant-garde jazz pioneers, are continued here – it  makes meditative, hypnotic and suggestive sound.

“COMBOBULATED” is a great collaboration of three great jazz stars. Each of them is individual and independent. Musicians are improvising inventively and creatively – they’re using their fantasy, wild imagination and original ideas. Contrasting and individual melodies are joined in one musical pattern. That makes an effort to splendid, universal and illustrative musical language. The musical pattern is created from dozens of different pieces – outstanding melodies, stunning experiments, research of unusual and outrageous timbres, crazy and wild ideas, ambitious decisions and modern innovations in every section of musical language are connected in delicate and impressive way. Musicians have marvelous playing technique – they can easily go through dozens of different moods, expressions, techniques and passions. The best quality of sound, emotional and expressive playing leads the music straight to powerful vigilance of energy and drive. Improvisers are demonstrating admiring and remarkable playing manner – it’s cordial, hot, sharp, expressive and dynamic. Sometimes it’s frantic and crazy, sometimes – calm, hypnotic and meditative. Musicians have huge range of styles, motions, characters and colors – all these things are used to create exceptional and interesting sound. Multi-colorful and modern pattern, polyphony against homophony or stunning solos, subtle, primitive, calm or dreamy moods, who go straight to passionate, bursting, breaking, aggressive and luminous mood. There’s no time to stay on one mood – musicians are using dozens of them silmunateously or at the same time. The instrumentation is made from rare combos, experimental ways of playing, extended and traditional playing techniques. Sound experiments, outrageous timbres, dizzy passages, colorful and glimpsy glissando, trembling vibrato, moving tremolo or trills, soft pizzicatto and other very well-known ways of playing are used here. It’s mixed up with home-made and specific methods, who are created by improvisers. That makes sparkling, impressive and modern instrumentation. Saxophones by Ingrid Laubrock are dynamic and expressive. Saxophonist is improvising especially emotionally, brightly and with energy. Drive, passion, delight and dozens of emotions makes her improvisations a real burst of energy and brave experiments. Expressive melodies go to dramatic and turbulent free improvisations, calm excerpts, soft and light pieces, breaking sessions, luminous and passionate solos, charming dizzy passages or tremendous blow outs. It makes a artsy and impressive combo with guitar. Mary Halvorson is improvising with fantasy and imagination. Her solos are dynamic and wide. Sometimes she dives in contemplating, solemn and modest fields of sound experiments or jumps on terrific solos, heavy hard core, luminous melodies and bursts of energy. Guitar and saxophones keep bright and intense melodic line – the duos are impressive, hypnotic, bright and driving. Drums section by Tom Rainey complete whole pattern of compositions and form strong basic of it. Dynamic, moving, loud, powerful and bright section is filled with nervously rapid and furious bop rhythms, frantic free improvisations, monotonic beats, lonely and repetitive tunes, wild drum rolls or powerful storms of tremolo – everything is collected in one place in bright, natural and organic way. Three jazz masters are improviisng together just marvelous – they manage to create intense, dynamic and expressive sound.

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